Domain Name Registration .com .net .org and many more formats from £20!

This is the world wide web address for your web-site such as

Internet Direct provide full registration, maintenance and hosting of your chosen domain name.

The first thing to do after thinking up some good names is to see if they are already in use! For an immediate and free answer - telephone us on 0845 638 7171 with your possible names and we can advise you there and then.

Domain Moves and Migrations no down time
We pre-build the Zone File prior to transfer

In moving domains to us we like to minimise the downtime and feel the best way is:-

1. We build a replica zone file on our system and test (based on what you advise)

2. When tested (by you and us) and happy we get current registrar to update the domain to our nameservers

3. Once the new nameservers are in place and have fully propagated we can request a tag change for's / opensrs transfer for .com's

This should be a no downtime solution.

Domain Transfers - IPS TAG Transfer and OpenSRS support

If you would like to move your domain name to Internet Direct - we offer a fully managed service - taking the pain out of transfers!

DNS Management

Setting up your domains DNS and pointing to www and MX Records. If you wish us to register and maintain your domain name and have us point the name out to another service, this can be provided at extremely competitive prices.